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Thank you letter EUAA in English

Thank you letter EUAA in English

17.11.2009 |

Dear Friends

Its been three weeks of tidying up after the amazingly successful EWAC2009, the first European World Ayurveda Congress event,  in Baden-Baden and time enough to have digested the massively effective outcomes from it.
Just to give some idea about what you were involved in:

You were one of more than 60 individual stands occupying around 600 m2 of high class exhibition space located in one of Germany’s most exclusive cities. We had 1200 visitors at the event which is hugely more than any other similar Ayurveda event to have taken place outside India – 500 were attending sessions and 700 were experiencing the wonders that you the stand-holders provided for the general public. We had a therapy centre which was fully booked where more than 100 manual therapy sessions were experienced over the weekend. There were more that 60 speakers from 15 different countries teaching in 7 parallel sessions and the subjects were so varied that it was almost impossible to choose which to attend, but there was something for everyone. Amongst the teachers we were blessed to have some of the most learned and experienced in the world. We had the Minister of State for Health and the most senior figure from AYUSH, plus the Indian Consul General and the Mayor of Baden-Baden present. There were 30 people participating in the Business to Business meeting on Saturday afternoon and more than 50 people attending the International session on Monday. Visitors were from more  than 20 countries from around the world. We had major delegations from India and Sri Lanka sponsored by their Government Ministries. We had a marvellous group of Kathak dancers and musicians from UK, Satyaa and Pari from Greece and Joachim Pfahl from Germany performing. The Ayurvedic catering was so popular that on Saturday they ran out of supplies and on Sunday they outperformed the previous day. We also had around 30 members from the official press at the event and their communications have gone out to more than 1 million people in hard copy and an unimaginable number electronically.

The event magazine was circulated by post to around 40000 addresses and another 10000 were distributed through outlets and by yourselves.
The organisers have had nothing but  the most positive feedback from everyone and your participation was unprecedented. We are aware that a huge amount of business was developed at the event and so many first timers were switched on to Ayurveda because you had something for them.

On behalf of the Organisers, their partners and Baden-Baden Kongresshaus
we would like to invite you back to the second European World Ayurveda Congress in Baden-Baden in October 2011
when we will be asking the people of Europe to come and experience Ayurveda once again and to bring their friends and family to another unique event.

We would also like to thank you most sincerely for your time and trouble that you invested into the event which was witnessed by the quality of presentation, merchandise and presence on your stands.

This was an event run by the EUAA – European Ayurveda Association which is the only exclusively European umbrella organisation proactively working on all aspects of Ayurveda in Europe. We would welcome you as members to be part of our organisation and contribute your energies to promote and protect  Ayurveda so that the people of Europe have the opportunity to be healed through this ancient and wonderful science.

If you would like further information about how you can join please email me at and if you would like to know more about EUAA please visit
With warm regards
Dr Harsha Gramminger

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