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Lebenslauf Dr. Vinod Verma

15.08.2005 |

About Dr. Vinod Verma


After a doctorate degree in reproduction biology in India, Dr. Verma studied Neurobiology in Paris University and obtained a second doctorate. She pursued advanced research at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda (USA) and the Max-Planck Institute in Freiburg, Germany. At the peak of her career in medical research in a pharmaceutical company in Germany, she realised that the modern approach to health care is basically fragmented and non-holistic. Besides, we are directing all our efforts and resources to cure disease rather than maintaining health. In response, Dr. Verma founded NOW in 1986 to spread the message of holistic living, preventive methods for health care and to promote the use of mild medicine and various self-help therapeutic measures.

Dr. Verma grew up with a strong familial tradition of Ayurveda with a grandmother who had enormous Ayurvedic wisdom and was a gifted healer. She has been studying Ayurveda in the traditional Guru-shishya style with Acharya Priya Vrat Sharma of the Benares Hindu University for the last 21 years and completed her doctorate.

Dr. Verma is an ardent researcher and is working hard to compile the living tradition of Ayurveda and spread it in the world through her books. She has published fourteen books on yoga, Ayurveda, women and Companionship. The books are published in various languages of the world. Besides, she has published numerous scientific papers. Several other books are in preparation. She lectures extensively, teaches in Europe for several months a year, trains students at her two centres in India and gives radio and television programmes. Her film on Ayurveda was shown in 100 countries in 130 languages.

Dr. Verma has founded Charaka School of Ayurveda to train interested people with genuine Ayurvedic education so that they can further impart the knowledge of Ayurvedic way of life and save people from becoming a victim of charlatanry in Ayurveda. The School is associated with AAYU (Ayurveda Academy of Europe). 

Dr. Verma is doing several research projects on medicinal plants and their combination in the form of remedies. She has also taken up a social service project to distribute and promote the use of Ayurvedic remedies and yoga therapy in rural areas of India. She does regular lectures for school children in the rural and remote areas of the Himalayas to promote wisdom of traditional science and medicine. 

Dr. Verma gives seminars, lectures and teaches in the Charaka School of Ayurveda with guru-shishya tradition. She is the Academic Director of the Ayurveda Academy of Europe (AAYU), which has its headquarters in Dresden.  She is a visiting professor in Beirat des Berufsverbandes Unabhängiger Gesundheitswissenschaftlicher Yoga-LehrerInnen (BUGY) in Göttingen (Germany)

Dr. Verma speaks Hindu, Punjabi, French, German and English ans she has knowledge of Sanskrit. 


Author*s Publications 


1.      Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra: A Scientific Exposition (Published in English, Hindi and German).

2.      Ayurveda for Inner Harmony: Nutrition, Sexual Energy and Healing (Published in English [America and India], German, Italian, French and Hindi).

3.      Ayurveda a Way of Life (Published in English [America and India], German, Italian, French, Spanish, Czech, Portuguese and Hindi).

4.      The Kamasutra for Women (Published in English [America and India], German, French, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Hindi and Malayalam). 

5.      Stress-free Work with Yoga and Ayurveda (Published in German, English [America and India] and Hindi).

6.      Patanjali and Ayurvedic Yoga (Published in English, German and Hindi).

7.      Programming Your Life with Ayurveda (Published in German, French and English).

8.      Ayurvedic Food Culture and Recipes (Published in English, German and Hindi).

9.      Yoga: A Natural Way of being (Published in English, German, French, Italian and Hindi).

10.  Companionship and Sexuality  (Based on Ayurveda and the Hindu tradition) (Published in English and German).

11.  Natural Glamour: The Ayurveda Beauty Book (Published in German and English)

12.  Losing and Maintaining Weight with Ayurveda and Yoga (Published in English and German).

13.  The Timeless Wisdom of Ayurveda: A Scientific Exposition (in press)

14.  Prakriti and Pulse: The Two Mysteries of Ayurveda (in press)











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