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Ayurveda-The Healing Touch - An Ayurveda-Story / Part 3

16.02.2009 | von Dr. E.P. Jeevan B.A.M.S. “I fully understand that, Doctor” she said somewhat humbled by the previous explanation. “The agni or the digestive fire within you, Ms. Simon, will be fine after the pancha karma treatment. The elements and the dhoshas will be in balance again. The next stage will be to improve the agni and that will be the final phase. This consists of special immune-enhancing herbal preparations which are called “Rasayanas” or Rejuvenators in Ayurveda. These set up a disease prevention measure. This you will do at your home.

Ms. Simon, you will discover a new way of living your life during this period of treatment.
When the body increases its level of fitness, it gradually becomes increasingly easier to
change bad habits and to free yourself from negative thoughts. Your mind will gain subtelty
during this period, which means it will be easy to direct onto the rails of right thought”.
She nodded “I can well imagine that Doctor. Now that you have explained it so clearly, it
seems so logical and within my reach as well!”. Her eyes lit up as she spoke. She looked
animated. I caught a glimpse of what she would return to as a personality if she took this
seriously and went through the motions of ayurvedic treatment.
“Ms. Simon, you will enjoy tremendous energy after the treatment. But it has to be properly
directed during this time. I am certain that you will have a completely new outlook on life
Suddenly her expression changed and her present self took over “But Doctor, how is it
possible for me to be cleansed of all those miserable and negative thoughts?. Her voice had a
whine in it. Her face looked doleful again.
“I have this horrid feeling that I will always be like this. I guess, its my character. I`m scared
of dyeing. But I´m scared of living too”.
It was now time for my rendition of “The Baghavath Gita ” .
“Ms. Simon, listen! Lord Krishna says to Arjuna in the Bhagavath Gita – “The Enlightened
grieve neither for the living nor for the dead”. He said it on a battlefield symbolising life.
Everybody faces battlefields in life. We battle with others or we battle with ourselves. You,
Ms. Simon, need a change in your diet. You need a change in your daily activities. You need
to forget or better: to work on issues you still have which result from previous situations in
your life.
Ms. Simon, you need to move forward in your thinking patterns; to stop brooding and
weeping over the past. The past is past and will never come back! Again I quote Lord
Krishna. He says “Wake up! Act! Don’t think of what is going to result out of that action!”
But doctor my soul is full of Sin and diseased.
No. Mrs. Simon, Lord Krishna explains, the soul has neither birth nor death at any time. He is
unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain. Only the
body and mind is diseased and cured by Ayurveda or Yoga.
As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material
bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.
Look up on pleasure and pain happiness or distress, loss or gain, victory or defeat with an
equal eye- and by so doing you shall never be depressed. The meditation program, breathing
exercises during our treatment time will help you more for such understanding.
Ms. Simon looked bewildered and somewhat doubtful at the same time.
I explained “Just see yourself as Arjuna, the warrior. See Lord Krishna as the “good mind” or
your intuition within you. Now see you and Lord Krishna working together in a partnership.
There can be nothing but victory for you on the battlefield of life!”
Ms. Simon sat silently, her eyes sunken. The flicker of hope I had seen in her a little while
before, slowly returned while she meditated on what I had poured out with such enthusiasm.
In a voice, suddenly strong with new determination, she said “I´m really grateful Doctor! I
now see a ray of hope. Yes! I´m ready to cooperate with you, your suggestions and your
“Ms. Simon” I warned, again raising a forefinger like an indian schoolmaster, “I have to tell
you – the medicines can be bitter!”
She laughed. There was a new quality to her laugh. I was happy to hear that.
“I´m sure they are Doctor! But my mother used to say “Bitter makes you better!”.
I continued, wagging my forefinger and beaming at her “And: you have to be willing to spend
at least 14 days in stationary treatment?”
She was now more than earnest and said “Doctor! If I am to feel like a new, improved version
of the present day me after 14 days, then those 14 days are nothing! I shall certainly bring
time with me! I realize now that this old machine needs a clean up at least once a year!”
I discerned that Ms. Simon had been replying my negative questions with a positive reply and
was pleased to see that there was positive mind power lying buried within her.
I wrote down the ama pachana decoctions for her to be taken during the next 28 days.
Nutritional guidelines, how to eat what and when and how to prepare it was all stipulated by
me and explained to her in detail. We prepared her treatment protocol for the 14 days and
fixed the date when she would commence the stationary treatment.
It was now time to part company until the next meeting after the home therapy.
Ms.Simon spoke very softly. She seemed deeply moved.
“Doctor, I want to express my very deep and whole-hearted gratitude to you for taking so
much time with me. You made it a point for me to understand all this vital information. All
the information on ayurveda, the importance understanding what role the tissues play and the
birth of disease…. and all your efforts to encourage me as well…” her voice faltered.
“It is really marvellous because I can understand the logic behind. And I can understand the
basics of what is going on in the body and mind”. Her eyes were glowing with the beginnings
of enthusiasm.
“Have you any more questions you might like to ask?” I beamed back at her.
“Not really right now, Doctor. I´m going to have to digest all this first. May I take your little
sketches on Vata, Pitta, Kappha and the tissues with me?”
“You are most welcome. In case you get stuck following any of the instructions,
please just drop me an e-mail. I shall contact you immediately” I replied.

FEED BACK – (One year later)

Somebody knocked briefly but vigourously on the door of my consulation room. The door
opened and a pretty lady marched confidently into the room “I may come in, may I not,
Doctor?” she asked unnecessarily. She had come in anyway….
The youthful appearing woman made her way to my desk with a broad smile. Her pink
blouse and her blue skirt suited her perfectly. Her sparkling eyes were familiar to me. But her
prana (vital air); the “tejas” (radiance) and the “ojas” (aura) were different. I wracked my
brains as to which of my patients had magically turned into this energetic being.
I took in her wholesome appearance, the skin had a glow to it, even though she appeared to be
around 40. She was now standing in front of my desk, looking down at me, her hands on her
hips in mock indignation. “Surely Doctor! Don’t tell me you don’t recognize me?!!”
It dawned on me. Was it only some months ago, that a broken, grey and sallow Ms. Simon
had sat in front of me? I gasped and jumped up, reaching out for her hands and then taking
them in mine.
“Ms. Simon!” I exclaimed. “Ms. Simon! Is this truly you?! You look like a million Dollars! I
guess its been around 6 months since we did the pancha karma and the final check ups!”
I stood there shaking both her hands up and down.
Ms. Simon exuded an aura of deep happiness and fresh energy.
“Do sit down, Ms. Simon! Tell me all!”
“Doctor, I was in the vicinity of the practice with my new life partner and I thought I simply
had to come and say Hello to you! We´ve been communicating via phone and e-mails
regularly regarding all the feed back and the panchakarma and so on but I thought now is the
time, Dr. Jeevan should see the new me – and that with his own eyes!!! And here I am!”
I was touched and delighted “You did well in coming Ms. Simon! It is always a great
highlight for any doctor to see that ayurveda has brought about quality of life or even a fresh
lease of life to unhappy or sickly patients!”.
“Doctor!” she said in an animated voice “Life is so full of new meaning to me now! I´m really
and truly happy again. I have a wonderful partner in my life and that, thanks to you and
ayurveda! Believe it or not, I did finally wink at a stranger on the other side of the road!”
We both laughed heartily.
“ I´ve brought you a small gesture of my appreciation from my religion. Please accept this
little angel of protection as a Thank You for your ayurvedic care and your personal concern”.
She rummaged around in her voluminous flowery handbag and this time, even produced that
which she looked for! She handed me her little token, which twinkled merrily as it caught a
ray of sunshine. For a moment, I felt a deep symbolism in that gleam. Ms. Simon had crushed
the serpent and finally found her own personal sunshine!
She got up and with sure, quick steps walked to the door, opening it and peered out. A man
with pleasant features and an easy smile walked in behind her and we shook hands warmly
upon introdcution.
“Frank and I would like to both have a go at your infamous pancha karma treatment next
year. Do you know, even though I go through all the procedures you suggested after the cure,
I still miss the element of caring you gave to me during that really rocky time in my life!”
“ We must celebrate this!” I insisted with deep joy. “Which ayurvedic brew may I offer both
of you to drink?”
It was a jovial question meant in humour. But Ms. Simon, the soon-to-be Ms. Schmidt,
replied like a shot and with total conviction: ”I´d like a warming tea, Doctor. Cumin tea


Ayurveda does not have a term equivalent to “Poly arthritis” but there is mention of a
condition called “Vata Rakta/Ama Vata/Sandhigata Vata” which suits bone and joint diseases.
I did not, therefore study the case sheets and the diagnosis of school medicine and the
hospitals, which my patient did finally remember to bring along with her. As an ayurvedic
doctor, one does not scrutinize these records because it does not give any understanding or
support to my ayurvedic approach to diagnosis. On the contrary, it will distort my diagnosis
or will lead to confusion, misunderstanding of the individual case. I always examine a patient
afresh and diagnose the disease and the disease condition according to the Dhosha-Dhattu-
Mala principles.
Ayurvedic science enables physicians to make a provisional diagnosis of new health or
disease conditions. I then design a treatment protocol to match my diagnosis, not deviating
from the basic principles of ayurveda. The patient is thus cured. I do not, however, claim that
Ayurveda can cure all diseases. But what I do claim is that ayurveda has the capacity to look
at any new disease condition with the help of the Dhosha-Dathu-Mala principles. The
physician may thus be able to make a diagnosis, design a treatment protocol, set up nutritional
guidelines and even set down a schedule for yoga practice and cure the disease either
completely or to a great extent. Either way, an improved quality of life for the patient may be
It is a great pity that the 90 year old school medicine dominates the 5000 year old, time-tested
Indian system of medicine. It is equally a pity that it is refused acceptance and treated with
suspicion. It is mind-boggling that it is demanded of Ayurveda , which has strings of success
stories to its credit, that it explains itself with the tools of modern scientific parameters. These
tools are highly inappropriate, yes, inadequate for such a purpose.
There are innumerable instances where ayurvedic treatment has cured chronic diseases such
as cancer, asthma or hepatitis, for which there are no permanent answers offered by the
modern system of accepted school medicine. And which do not have any harmful side-effects.
The time has now come when all scientific and medical professions should come together to
develop common parameters for improvement in human lifestyle and proper cures. The
principles of Ayurveda should be given the prominent place they deserve.
Knowledge in depth of any kind cannot be attained by applying short cuts. This applies
to the profound knowledge of Ayurveda as well.
There is no short cut to knowledge, to Nirvana or to wealth.

Jala bindu nipatena kramasa puryate ghata:
Sahe tu sarva vidyanam dharmasya cha Dhanasya cha

It is neither adviseable nor appropriate to seriously judge knowledge as profound as Ayurveda
without proper study of its system and principles or without proper experience this field.


Hier lesen Sie Teil 1

Hier lesen Sie Teil 2


Dr. E.P.Jeevan B.A.M.S.
Adam-Krafft-Weg 2
91438 Bad Windsheim
Tel: 09841 / 660 1058

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