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Ayurveda-The Healing Touch - An Ayurveda-Story / Part 2

31.12.2008 | von Dr. E.P. Jeevan First the disease will begin in the house of Kappha, then it will graduate to the house of Pitta and finally, in its last stages, it will be in the house of Vata. Sabine interrupted saying "So there is no escaping those Dhoshas is there?" "No" I answered "All that is, is categorized under these dhoshas and all that is, goes through the ame pattern. Excessive mucous production, acidic eructations and gas formations are the premonitory symptoms of toxins in our body. This is a result of our low agni / digestive transformation fire.

This is the root of absolutely all evil, bear this in mind Ms. Simon! Indeed, memorize
this! Low agni . high toxin content! And the opposite: high Agni, low toxin content! What do
we call these toxins? Ayurveda calls it "Ama". Be they, mucous, be they acidic, be they
When the body begins to choke up with this evil Ama stuff, the God of healing which resides
within us, as I mentioned earlier Dhanwanthari - or in a more scientific manner, one could
call it the stabilizing, balancing or healing intelligence within us, takes over. This
intelligence uses the tools of fever, purgation and vomiting to rid the body of the harmful.
These tools are the intentional eliminating functions of the body.
Reduced appetite and fatigue signal to us that the body requires strength to fight disease. But
we, Ms. Simon, as slaves to our senses, suppress these symptoms with chemical weapons in
the form of modern pharmaceuticals. What happens when we imbibe pharmaceuticals when
we commence illness? The body tries to put the nutritional essence, which we called food
juice just a little while ago, along with the pharmaceutical chemical, into the first tissue! the
chemical is a toxin in the eyes of the organism. So we are contaminating the line of tissues
with more Ama! The normal reaction of the body is to produce a fever or as we say in
Ayurveda "Jwara" to burn off any ama. Be it mental or physical.
Sabine leaned forward asking: "Fever burns off mental toxins? How?"
I replied simply "As I said by a burning or transforming action. Mental impressions too are
burnt off . There is a mental digestion period. Think of you watching a horror movie, it will
take you time to digest this. Not necessarily with fever but with time and absorbtion of
other positive impressions etc. Many workoholics will suddenly get fevers. They need time to
transform their overburdened minds.
Indeed, fever is characterized by general weakness, loss of appetite, headache even for body
and for the mind. The best thing you can do is to follow your natural instinct. Fasting and
The body speaks a clear order. Most of our society feel they have to listen to the head. So we
suppress because we have to function. We give our instincts the back seat. No, actually
we give our bodies the cheap seats! Like the cheap seats in the cinemas in India . the
Gallery!! We suppress our dis-ease with chemical weapons!
Ms. Simon, hear me! What does our body now do?
Ms. Simon face is a picture of bewilderment. I*ve done this all these years and all I know is
that nothing really got better.
There you are! I said triumphantly. Things get worse, but we don*t necessary realize them
getting worse! After swinging our chemical battering ram, we may find initial relief but . and
here it comes . the body pushes the ama into the next tissue . the blood tissue. The toxin now
sits comfortably in the tissue which is in charge of skin production. What do we find here?
Nice juicy skin problems coming up like itch, eczema. And what do we have in this part of
the world by the basketful? Allergies. Lots of higher complaints join in with time . we call
them Psoriasis, Menstrual problems. According to our Ayurveda, each and every
reaction is a signal for a person to take responsibility for his health and well being, just like
you are beginning to do now. To understand which tissue is involved and which dhosha
element is involved in its corresponding tissue.
But what do we do? I sighed dolefully, not without a hint of the dramatic. We mask the
signals by smearing cortisone creams into our skin. There is no thought of cleansing our
bodies or not the faintest idea about changing our food patterns or life styles . at least for a
period of time until balance ensues. Main thing is we can function.
Sabine Simon is busy nodding and making noises of agreement.
She said: Well, most of us have no idea that the activities of our daily life and our capacity to
digest toxins mentally or physically are the cause of these problems, Dr. Jeevan. You have to
be merciful in your judgement! What we call modern science focusses on isolating a germ or
virus or whatnot which is blamed as the cause of making us sick! So we hand over our
personal responsibility for our dis-ease. as you call it .. to what we consider to be higher
authorities. Its all so much easier isn*t it? she ends ironically.
Indeed, I sigh. It may be a single isolated patient who has the idea that it is the already
deranged bodily functions that generate the bacteria and virus. If our immune systems were
well and strong, we could face almost anything. Our immune system is a highly organized
system of intelligent and strong soldiers. If we treat them well and nourish them well, we can
face any oncoming army! Its as simple as that.
So the toxins travel stage by stage onto the next tissue level? asks Sabine Simon aghast.
I*mm glad you*ve grasped the principle. They go on to the muscular tissue and create myoma,
cysts and polyps.
The lady opposite was doing some sort of hand-wringing act while shaking her head in
Yes,I say grimly and on we go to the fatty tissue. There it produces hypercholesterol,
obesity and diabetes.
I don*t believe this! Obesity too? she exclaimed. All those people out there with weight
problems? Battling with all kinds of diets? I suppose that is why most diets cannot really have
a lasting effect. And what about diabetes? That too is a result of suppressed disease?
I nodded, waiting for all this information to sink in.
She broke the silence. I now finally understand how my illnesses and dis-ease simply had
to come about. Its logical, isn*t it? So clear. Just, well, just so, so logical. She
relapsed into her silence. Actually, when I follow my via dolorosa or path of pain, Dr.
Jeevan, the menstruation problems, the myoma, the allergic reations on the skin, the
polyarthritis as a sort of Grand Finale.
I interrupted: Oh no, Ms. Simon . that is not the Grand Finale. The poisonous snake will
move further, there is more tissue for it to destroy.
The poor woman in front of me almost shouted No! No more! As you say, it really does
resemble some sort of venomous serpent. Slithering its way unseen to all of us. Something
out of a horror movie.
Well, thatis just the way it goes. Let me continue.You will now understand that the pain
in joints and the involvement of many joints show that the fifth tissue -. Asthi is involved.
Bone tissue. The disease is established in the bone and joints which are Vata tissue, remember
Ms. Simon? And the sense organs are the ears, the skin and the house is the Colon. Now
logically speaking, you will agree that the previous diseases were in the previous tissues.
More vigourous nodding. I think, I*ve grasped the idea Dr. Jeevan, I*ve not got the terms and
expressions right yet.
Ms. Simon, you only have to grasp the principle! And I am going to show you how one can
forecast the future of these neglected, or even, one could say aggravated conditions. I know
you shouted No More!! a minute ago but I want you to grasp how Vata will continue.
Sabine sat bolt upright in her chair, paying close attention. She prepared herself mentally to
listen to a possible prognosis of her present condition. I had the impression that she had even
stopped breathing.
I continued. The disease-intelligence has the will to spread. The serpent will continue its
motion forward. Its like a game of dominoes, Ms. Simon.
Within the next few years, we will be looking at possible problems related to the powers of
concentration. We will be facing possible neurological problems like Alzheimer.
I smiled at her in an effort to pacify her shock.
You see, when it reaches the final tissue, the whole disease is well developed and established
in each tissue. It can also affect the memory chip of our whole body - the sperm or ovum,
the immunity and it begins to cause auto-immune diseases. See! it even affects the next
generation! Think of the poor innocent and contaminated next generation!
I find that it generally takes a span of 10 years for the passage of toxins to travel from one
tissue to the next. Think of your initial life span from 10 to 20 years of age. Disease will be
connected to the blood tissues. From the 20s to the 30s, you will see the arrival of muscular
tissue-connected complaints . as we said : myoma and cysts and so on. We then hit the
forties. What do we find in our naughty forties? We find the problem with fat-related tissue.
In our fifties, we begin to have trouble with bone and joint related tissue. And so on and so
The constructions of the tissues are from rasa to Sukra, but the natural destruction is from the
7th tissue backwards.
Sabine Simon said softly I*m hitting my fifties. So I have to take a look at my bones. Isn*t
that so, Dr. Jeevan?
I smiled acknowledging her comment.
Ms. Simon, the cold and damp weather as we have it here in Europe, increases Vata. That is
why you always had a problem in winter or even during a rainy spell. But right now, at this
point of time, your complaints are always there, regardless of seasons. So this suggests that
the disease has established itself nice and cosy.
So when do other dhoshas increase? asked Ms. Simon.
Pitta problems start accumulating in Autumn and Kappha in Spring. See! Spring is the
beginning of the year .again we start the cycle with Kappha. We have Green and we have
flowers blooming. Then we have Orange and red colours . the Pitta season. Note the starting
letters of the colours! And then we have  for dull and grey and dried up and dark . a
typical Vata season!

In the same way, when you wake up at 3 in the morning, Vata is wide awake . remember you
told me of your sleeping patterns? 2 in the morning to 6 in the morning is a Vata predominent
time. The same applies from 2 in the afternoon to 6 in the evening! That is the reason why
you feel tired and take your nap!
Sabine looked stunned. Of course! We*re back to cycles and rhythm patterns in nature! she
Apart from all these exterior factors, Ms. Simon, we have to consider the state of mind. Your
incapability to face problems, your depression, your inability to take decisions and a general
air of instability suggest that Vata predominance in your mind. We also say a Tamasic
tendency in the mind. The habit of irregular meal times, intake of cold and deep-frozen
convenience foods will only increase this tendency. Yoghurt, Ms.Simon! which you take in
the mornings will always continue to aggravate this tendency! Yoghurt is tamasic food.
Fresh vegetables, fruits and freshly cooked foods are pure or what we call Satvic. Spicy and
acid producing items are Rajasic. They produce impetus and drive when taken in
moderation, but cause ruthless ambition and purposeless activism for example, when taken
immoderately. So all we eat and drink . all we think, has an effect on our well-being!
Sabine Simon said gloomily One has to be constantly on the lookout then, isn*Lt it? What one
eats, drinks, thinks.
Ahhh, I say dramatically. Mindfulness, Ms. Simon is the key to a successful and
healthful life!
We both laugh.
Let*s think of the body as we see it. It has a structure and it is earth/water so it is Kappha.
But the mind is motion. So it is Vata. Your problems, Ms. Simon, start from here. So you
need inner silence in your mind to counter the bad Vata increase, which is the root cause.
Ms. Simon looked at me with exhausted eyes which spoke the sentence. The question is
how? But she said instead Doctor, I do know that I need some drastic changes. But I
simply don*t have the strength and the will-power in me to change.
I hastened to reassure her. I understand only too well, Ms. Simon. We cannot achieve this
immediately. It should be done slowly. We cannot disturb the poisonous serpent, the toxins
we spoke about. To go through this, we need physical strength. Without that basic requisite,
you cannot still your mind or work on the mind stuff. The procedure I am going to suggest
will give strength to your body which will give you the leverage to work on the mind.
In Sanskrit,we say ..Sareeram Adyam khalu Dharma sadhanam.
The body is the primary correct instrument . It is only in a sound body that a sound mind can
Ayurvedic disease management consists of 3 categories. Let us go through them one after
The first part consists of mobilising the toxins in your fifth tissue. Do you remember why we
start at the fifth tissue? I ask her.

Yes. I*m pushing the fifties and we have a bone and joint-related disease to address. I
understood you to say that we have to go backwards in the treatment. Push into reverse gear
as it were. Am I right? she asked eagerly.
Absolutely!  I returned. And how are we going to mobilize these toxins? With plants which
correspond to the tissue damage I answered my own question. This initial phase will take
28 days. During this time, you should be taking a herbal detoxifying decoction and strictly
adhere to special nutritional guidelines which are suitable for deranged Vata and Pitta.
What are decoctions? asked Ms. Simon.
Lets say, plant components which are boiled down until there is only a bare essence left,
I answered.
So, its all about nature-based healing agents, is it? she queried.
It certainly is, I replied.The plants which should be selected will act on the fifth tissue and
will have a warming, oleating, soothing character, exactly oppostie to the character of the
Vata dhosha. In your case, I would select a combination of Rasna, Amruth Aswagandha and
Gandharvahata as a herbal decoction.
Sabine Simon looked suitably impressed at the mention of exotic herbs.
This will mobilize the ama . the toxins, the root of all evil, we talked about. They will be
mobilized and also, simultaneously, be dried out of the system. The mobilizing and the drying
out will, in time, free the Vata dhosha from the toxins. This phase you can do by yourself at
Sabine was all eyes and ears, listening intently. What next?
When the Vata dhosha is free from the ama, we go into phase two. This is the beginning of
the stationary therapies which includes several medicinal oil applications on the body with
Ms. Simon, you might remember that I mentioned the skin being one of the sense organs of
Vata? So we will now use the skin as a medium. We will apply medicinal oils onto and into
the skin as a means of coaxing back the vitiated or aggravated Vata dosha back into house
or site, - the colon. The sudation will help this. During these treatments, Vata*Ls main
symptom, namely the pain, will subside. And then slowly the other symptoms like numbness,
coldness, rigidity of the joints etc. Your mobilitly and your flexibility will improve
noticeably. The applications with their warm and oily quality will give you a sense of deep
security from the outside world.
Oh, Dr. Jeevan, this sounds absolutely too good to be true, she said softly. Her voice grew
fainter; I cant believe that this could all happen to me.
I looked at her encouragingly: Ms. Simon, my professors used to say that during these
treatments, we go back to the same situations where we were as embryos in their uterine
fluids. The soothing feeling of security, protection and nurturing in both mind and body
- remember I used the word Sneha ?
Sabine Simon smiled back: I think "Sneha" is exactly what I need right now. You are so
right! What happens next?
After a period of external treatments, Vata and Pitta will return to their formerly deserted
houses. Now we can begin with the main ayurvedic treatment which will address your
particular problems. Pinpointing them as it were. We will home in on them! There will be
therapeutic purgation with the help of herbs and also application of medicinal extracts and oils
to the colon.
How does one go about treating the colon? By enema? she asked tentatively.
I suppose, one could call it an enema but we do not merely clean the colon. We apply
medicinal plant extracts. You may know that the colon can absorb several extracts. Depending
on which problem there is to address, ayurveda has various formulae for this very potent
rectal application.
Sabine Simon looked apprehensive but I continued.
The complete second stage is called "Purva karma" and "Pancha karma". It takes 14 days in
your case. However, it does depend on the chronicity of the disease.
Ms. Simon looked puzzled Wait a minute, Dr. Jeevan. My friend who did this pancha
karma abroad, did not do all these three phases. What do you think of that?
I had to now to be quite firm and explain matters which would be new to her.
Sorry Ms. Simon, there is certainly a major difference between touristy places in India and
Sri Lanka, where the ancient medicinal system of Ayurveda is reduced to an oil mass
devoid of any medicinal value. Ayurveda not only has got a massage system, it has thousands
messages. And when we travel the long and costly distance to India or Sri Lanka
nowadays and expect a proper ayurvedic treatment in the country of its roots, we generally
stay at wellness hotels. We miss the period of ama pachana or the detoxifying decoctions.
The preparatory period, which is, as you will understand, an extremely significant process.
Sabine gaped. Was that not the stage when our Evil serpent, the toxins is mobilized and
dried out?
Well, there you are! This vital stage is left out. Plain oils are applied onto the body right
from the start. There is no cleansing procedure which precedes! And then it is called Pancha
karma. According to ayurveda however, external applications are only purva karma or the
preparation for pancha karma . which, Ms.Simon incidently means The five paths of
The patient was visibly deflated. But I thought, if one goes abroad..she did not even
finish her sentence.
Unfortunately, that is not the case, Ms. Simon. Ayurveda is not all wellness and soothing
massages. Those with true interest would have to bring time, money and honest dedication to
their personal health with them. Who really has that nowadays? No, Ayurveda is certainly not
Wellness. It is medical wellness for healthy people (Sadvrutta) and medical treanment for
the diseased (Athuravrutta). In your special case, it has to be a medical treatment.


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Dr. E.P.Jeevan B.A.M.S.
Adam-Krafft-Weg 2
91438 Bad Windsheim
Tel: 09841 / 660 1058

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