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Leukorrhö (Weißfluss)

Leukorrhö (Weißfluss)

25.09.2007 | von Raj Kumar Bhati Lesen Sie in diesem Beitrag über Symptome und Ursachen dieser Erkrankung. Außerdem erfahren Sie, welche Hausmittel laut Ayurveda zur Behandlung eingesetzt werden können und welche Empfehlungen zur Ernährung und Lebensführung gegeben werden. Mehr dazu in Englisch.


In Ayurveda Leucorrhoea is known as “sweet parder”. This is characterised by whitish mucous discharge from the female genital tract. It is often associated with infection of genital tract by some organism. Some metabolic and hormonal disturbances are also responsible for this disease. Patients who are suffering from chronic Leucorrhoea become irritable and it is often associated with digestive disturbances. It is commonly occurs in females who are weak and anaemic.


itching in genital region
foul smell
low backache
dark circles under eyes
digestive disturbances


poor hygienic conditions of the genital organs
anaemiafungal infections
hormonal disturbances
awake late at night
chronic constipation
weakness emaciated

Home remedies to cure Leucorrhoea

Indian gooseberry (amla): dry Indian gooseberry (amla) 1 teaspoon with 1 teaspoon of honey mix it and take it two times in a day. it is a very effective remedy for Leucorrhoea.
Coriander seeds (dhania): a teaspoon of coriander seeds soaked in a glass of water overnight and consumed the next day on empty stomach is one of the ways to cure Leucorrhoea
Fenugreek seeds: fenugreek seeds can be used internally as well as externally, one tea cup of fenugreek seeds water drink every morning, secondly boil a handful of fenugreek seeds in 200ml water till it reduces to half quantity .let it be cool finally using this decoction as douche
badi elachi (amomum subulatum): medicinally these seeds are credited with stimulant, stomachic and are prescribed for the treatment of indigestion and Leucorrhoea
vidara (argyrlia speciosa): its root is bitter, aphrodisiac, diuretic and it is used to cure Leucorrhoea, it can also be used to cure female sexual disorders


fried and spicy food should not eat
it should avoid heavy and indigestible food articles
prickles and curd are prohibited
intake of supari after food

Life style

remain free from stress
don’t awake late in night
sexual intercourse should be prohibited during Leucorrhoea
every day morning walk is very helpful
hygienic measures should be followed carefully

Always take a visit at the Doctors place (Gynocolist) and let check everything before you try home remedies or ayurvedic products.

A good memory and spiritual freshness in a youthful and vital body which keeps his radiation till old age are described purposes of the application of the ayurvedic applications in connection with the ayurvedic products, like you can read before. In addition, they strengthen the senses and all organ functions and you can get healthy and happy again soon.

Raj Kumar Bhati (B.A.M.S. University Roharak, India)
– Ayurveda Specialist –
Selinda Ayurveda Baden-Baden GmbH


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