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Positive health aspect of Ayurveda

10.07.2007 | Dieser Beitrag von Raj Kumar Bhati (B.A.M.S.) ist eine kurze Einführung in die Grundzüge und Besonderheiten der ayurvedischen Gesundheitslehre.

It is that knowledge of life which deals elaborately and at length with conditions beneficial or otherwise to the humanity, and, to factors conducive to the happiness, or responsible for misery or sorrow besides indicating measures for healthful living for full span of life .

We can say:
Ayurveda is broad based science of life developed with two fold objectives:

1. to preserve the health of the healthy,
2. to relieve the disease of the ailing

Ayurveda put the greater emphasis on the maintenance of positive health although it comprehends well on study of the nature of ill health and the curative measure for the treatment of different diseases.

Ayurveda is not merely a system of medicine but is a comprehensive science of life. It presents a unique concept of life and its components. In contrast to the gross physiobiological concept of modern science Ayurveda puts forward a tridimensional concept of living being. According to the Ayurveda, a living being is a composite entity consisting of a physical body, the mind, the spirit and the sense apparatus. Thus it would be seen that the Ayurveda concept of life is much more comprehensive than even the latest concept psychosomatic medicine as it adds one more dimension to the psychosomatic concept proposing the concept of the psychosomatic spiritual organization of life.

Susruta define health as a state of perfect well being of the mind, spirit and the body and its reverse as ill health. It stated that the health is a state of normalcy characterized by the balanced equilibrium of the three Doshas, the thirteen types of Agnis, seven types of Dhatus and the Malas besides the optimum happiness of the mind (manas), senses (Indriyas), and the spirit (atma).

As a physiological process, the body of an individual undergoes several changes during different stages of life, during the different parts of the day and night and during the different seasons. The body has the inbuilt power of resistance to overcome some of minor changes. But if these changes are significant, then even healthy person suffers from diseases. To promote this inbuilt power of resistance in the body , to over come different changes, and correct a melody if it has already got manifested, several therapeutic measures in the form of drugs, diets, drinks,  regiments and specialised therapies, are described  and prescribed by Ayurveda physicians.
A critical study of the Authentic Ayurveda literature on its positive health aspects exhibits a systemic description of various routine measures conductive to positive health. The literature appears to touch even the common points needed for the uplift of health in order to draw the attention of a common man to the healthful way of life.

Raj Kumar Bhati (B.A.M.S.)

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