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Review of International Online Congress

Review of International Online Congress "Ayurveda Today-2019"

06.02.2019 | ADVERTORIAL | Last weekend was held the 2nd International Online Congress "Ayurveda Today 2019". The congress was attended by more than 640 participants from Russia, Europe, USA, Latin America and India.

Thank you and see you in 2020!

We thank all the wonderful experts in Ayurveda for their unique valuable knowledge and their achievements in the field of Ayurveda, which they generously shared during these two days.
We thank all the participants for their interest, involvement in an active dialogue, deep questions. They are sincerely enthusiastic about Ayurveda and truly care in spreading Ayurveda all over the world.
We are sincerely happy to see that spreading interest in Ayurveda, a healthy lifestyle and a holistic approach to health!

See you next year at the 3rd International Online Congress "Ayurveda Today 2020"!


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