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International Online Congress

International Online Congress "Ayurveda Today-2019"

16.01.2019 | ADVERTORIAL | Ayurvedaexperten aus der ganzen Welt wollen ihre Erfahrungen und Forschungsergebnisse zwei Tage bei einem Onlinecongress am 2. und 3. Februar teilen. Neben namhaften Bestsellerautoren wie Dr. Vasant Lad, befinden sich Leiter von ayurvedischen Verbänden und führenden Schulen aus Europa, Indien und Russland darunter. Alle, die sich registrieren, können daran teilnehmen. Artikel in Englisch.

The second international online congress "Ayurveda Today" will take place on February 2-3.

Is it possible to practice Ayurveda away from India? 8 world leading experts from Russia, India, USA, Italy and Australia will share with you experience and research results for 2 full days. Among them are the authors of world bestsellers on Ayurveda, such as Dr. Vasant Lad, leaders of Ayurvedic associations in Russia, Europe and India, leading scholars.
The congress is held online, you can take part in it from anywhere and with any device!

Records of presentations of the online congress will be available only to participants.

Please kindly share the news about the congress to spread the word about traditional medicine importance all around the world!

Learn more about the congress program and register by using the link below.


Some participating experts:



Vasant Lad

B.A.M.S, M.A.S.C, Ayurvedic physician


Oleg V.Sorokin

MD, PhD. Executive director of NAMA, speech language - Russian


Yashaswini Bharadwaj

B.A.M.S., Master of Surgery (Ayu), Ayurveda practitioner in Australia


Atreya Smith

World-renowned Ayurvedic doctor, the author of many articles and publications on Ayurveda


and many more...

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