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Menopause, Prana und die Hormonersatztherapie aus Sicht des Ayurveda

Menopause, Prana und die Hormonersatztherapie aus Sicht des Ayurveda

30.11.2018 | ADVERTORIAL | Die erfahrene Ayurvedaspezialistin Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum aus den USA nimmt Stellung zur Hormonersatztherapie und auch zu bio-identischen Hormonen. Zum besseren Verständnis des Themas geht sie auf den Einfluss von "Prana" auf die Wechseljahre ein. Abschließend plediert sie stark für eine vata-reduzierende Lebensweise. Artikel in Englisch.


Menopause, Prana, HRT, & Vaidya Mishra's SVA Protocols

What means "Prana"

Before we begin our discussion about how to treat menopausal symptoms using our Ayurvedic
herbs, let’s make sure you first understand what the word prana means.

Many people have heard the word “prana,” and they know it means “life energy” or the “vital life essence” which keep us alive, but let’s examine this word a little further and practically apply it to our health, and in this case, how it may relate to our hormonal system.

If you are familiar with Vaidya Mishra’s work, you probably fully are aware of the word prana and how it may impact you. However, I would still like to briefly discuss it here, because when I sit with each and every patient, they tell me that they do indeed understand what prana is, and then I find out they may be taking synthetic nutraceuticals or other substances in which the prana has either been destroyed or depleted. This is especially true of pharmaceuticals and particularly women who are taking hormonal replacement therapy. So in essence, even though they know the definition of the
word prana, they haven’t fully appreciated what it means regarding their health.

Prana is the cosmic vibration coming from the sun and the moon and is composed of soma (from lunar energy), agni (from the solar energy) and marut, which directs the movement of soma and agni. It is this vibration that is absorbed into the herbs and food as they grow out in the fields, it is in the air we breathe and is also imparted into the water as it flows down the mountain streams. 

And it is this prana or vibration of nature which gives our cells the intelligence to do all the things they do: making ATP in the mitochondria, manufacturing of and the timely release of hormones, neurotransmitters, digestive enzymes and numerous other compounds. All the hundreds of functions of the body are directed by this vibration of nature and it is at the basis of the cells’ communication with each other, always instructing the cells in all their activities.

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Thus, it becomes imperative that whatever you take into or on the body, that it has this full value of prana intact, so it gives an intelligent response throughout the body. This is why we get side effects and toxicity from pharmaceuticals and synthetic nutraceuticals — they are made in a lab and are devoid of any influence of prana.

And so it is with estrogen. The estrogen your body made when you entered puberty was intelligent: estrogen creates growth — of the breasts, hips, the endometrium (lining of the uterus), but we always want an intelligent growth. 

As you enter both the perimenopausal and menopausal years you want to make sure your hormones don’t decline too quickly. In this article I will give you numerous tips on how to prevent that from happening and how to encourage a smooth transition into menopause. But first I want to emphasize that you must be careful to do this in an intelligent way.

So let’s take a look at some of the options that are out there before and during menopause

Many women either take or have taken hormone replacement therapy (HRT). However, the Million Women Study conducted on 1084,110 UK women aged 50-64 years between 1996 and 2001 showed such a massive increase in invasive breast cancers and breast cancer deaths that the study had to be stopped early in 2002. Now you know why: the estrogen made in a lab has no prana, no intelligence of nature, so while estrogen does create growth in the female organs, in this case it created an unintelligent growth, such as breast cancer.

Next women were drawn to take bio-identical hormones (BHRT) which are “identical chemically” to those our bodies product naturally and are made from plant estrogens. The hormones used in traditional HRT are made from the urine of pregnant horses and other synthetic hormones. 

But most experts believe the risks of BHRT and HRT are similar. In fact, it has been noted that compounded bioidentical hormones may carry even more risks than HRT and there is no credible evidence that BHRT if more effective than HRT.

In the history of my 30-year-plus practice, I noticed very early (even before the Women’s Study) that the majority of my patients who had taken HRT developed breast cancer. Once the study came out proving that this was true, many of the women switched over to the bioidentical hormones. At first, I was reluctant to endorse them, but the women told me they were compounded in a pharmacy specifically for them.

It sounded good to me. I asked Vaidya at the time what he thought, and like me, he was skeptical at first, but said, “Let’s just wait and see what happens.” Sure enough, as we continued to see women on them, we noticed they developed very severe symptoms, such as nerve fasciculations (tremors) throughout their bodies, high levels of testosterone and numerous other maladies as a result of these newer hormones.

Then I remember Vaidya turned to me one day after taking the pulse of one of my patients who was on the biodientical hormones and said, “The only bioidentical hormones are the ones the body makes themselves!”

I think the reason so many women go on these types of hormones, both the HRT and the BHRT is because we are immersed in a culture that has no tradition of holistic medicine and it is not often a doctor would recommend herbs, especially since a) they never learned how to use them in Med School and b) we haven’t really discovered all of our herbs yet and developed a full pharmacopeia of herbs to choose from.

Special Ayurveda Creams, Drops and Ayurveda Oils made by Vaidya Mishra

Thank you Vaidya! Since those early days he has made so many wonderful formulations for us to use: For Her Cream, Kamini Cream, VJK Cream, Estro Balance Drops, Flash Freeze Drops and Cream, Femi Ojas Drops and Cream. We have Ashwagandha in drops, cream and various formulas he made for us, as well as shatavari and shilajit in tablets, such as Soma Shakti tablets, or Multimineral Support Drops and Shakti For Her drops. 

Not only that, but he developed numerous Abhyanga oils for us to use. Always remember that after menopause the skin takes over producing the majority of the female hormones — if you give it a drink of oil to do so! Rub the oil over your entire body, leave it on for 20 minutes, then wash it off (or you could leave it on if you prefer). Do this several days a week and watch your hormonal system respond! Vaidya has several oils for you to use (see his website) or you can use organic almond oil in the colder months and organic coconut oil in the hot summer months.

Also, keep this in mind: after around age 40 or so you have entered the Vata stage of life. The hallmark of Vata is the tendency to drying. Estrogen is made of cholesterol, so please resist the temptation to follow a low fat diet. Use whole raw milk, or at least unhomogenized, boiled or cooked into grains. The use of ghee was recommended in the ancient texts to keep women fertile and young. Always have warm-cooked homemade food and good quality oils, such as organic cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil and organic sesame oil, avocados, nuts and seeds.

Keep your Vata balanced

Learn how to keep your Vata balanced by going to bed on time and resisting Vata-aggravating activities, such as rushing throughout the day, talking too much or too quickly. Meditation, pranayama, gentle yoga stretches, massages, warm baths, quiet walks and activities are also quite Vata balancing. The more you imbalance Vata, the more menopausal symptoms you will develop. Think of it this way: the more hyper or Vata-imbalanced you become, you are making the stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenalin, both of which are made from cholesterol. By going through the day in an agitated, stressed, hyper mode, you are depleting the body of cholesterol to make these hormones, leaving you dry on the inside and outside — and making it hard to make enough female hormones.

One of the best prescriptions I give to my patients is to slow down and check in with your body throughout the day to see if you are indeed becoming Vata aggravated or hyper. If you notice that tendency, then just slow down your speech, thoughts, emotions or physical body. If you can master this technique alone, you will allow your very delicately balanced endocrine system to work for you to keep your mind and body balanced. However, if you continue to barrel through life in a Vata-aggravated hyper mode, you will always be blaming all your symptoms on menopause when in reality you are exhausting your glandular system which cannot keep pace with this high energy output.

Our patients are so excited once they learn how to eat correctly, keep their Vata balanced and use their new herbal formulas. They feel that once and for all they are keeping up their hormones and taking away their menopausal symptoms without any of the dreaded sided effects of the hormone replacement therapies.

Hope this helps!


Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum

Cinnaminson, New Jersey




Dieser Artikel erschien am 13.07.2018 hier: und wurde mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Vaidya Mishra im veröffentlicht.



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