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APA Live Webinar - Der Menstruationszyklus als Medizin

APA Live Webinar - Der Menstruationszyklus als Medizin

22.08.2018 | ADVERTORIAL | Jede Frau sollte sich unbedingt mit diesem Thema auseinandersetzen: Live Webinar und Q&A mit Alexandra Pope am Donnerstag, den 04. Oktober 2018, 17 Uhr - 18 Uhr (! GMT !) in Englisch: In this webinar, Alexandra will discuss how the restoration of the psycho-spiritual power of the menstrual cycle is a medicine for a woman’s body and soul.

She will unpack the nature of this power and discuss how a woman can begin to work with her cycle for healing menstrual symptoms & creating a greater sense of wholeness & wellbeing. Practitioners will be gain an insight into how to bring in these powerful teachings to assist their clients.

GMT Time Info

About Alexandra

webinar menstruationszyklus mit alexandra pope portrait2With over 20 years experience as a psychotherapist, Alexandra is co-director of Red School (working together with Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer), an organisation that teaches a radical new approach to health and wellbeing, creativity, leadership and spiritual life based on the power of the menstrual cycle, and the initiatory journey from menarche to menopause. A published author and expert in the field of women's wellbeing and spirituality, her most recent (co-authored) book is Wild Power: discover the magic of your menstrual cycle and awaken the feminine path to power, published by Hay House (April 2017). She has spent over thirty years exploring and learning about menstruality from her own deeply lived experience and the collective knowledge she has gathered from working with thousands of women. Pioneering this field, she has created with her colleague at Red School the most comprehensive and life changing programmes available to date, offering in-person workshops, online courses and professional training in the field of menstruality.


This event is FREE to all current APA members. 

If you are an APA member (Ayurvedic Professionals Association) and would like to participate in this webinar please e-mail

If you are a non-member and would like to gain access please purchase a ticket via the APA website APA Live Webinar

All webinar participants will receive an access link to the webinar by the 30th September 2018.

If you would like to ask Alexander a question during the Q&A session please e-mail your inquiry to by the end of 30 September 2018.

We hope that you will enjoy this event.


Mehr zum Thema Menstruation:

Der weibliche Zyklus aus ayurvedischer Sicht

Die Doshas als Schlüssel zur Lösung von Menstruationsproblemen

Prämenstruelles Syndrom und Menstruationsbeschwerden

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