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Nahrungsergänzungen – welche sind sinnvoll aus Sicht des Ayurveda?

Nahrungsergänzungen – welche sind sinnvoll aus Sicht des Ayurveda?

10.03.2013 | Vaidya Mishra präsentiert in diesem Artikel 3 Haupt-Nahrungsergänzungen aus ayurvedischer Sicht, welche seiner Meinung nach auf täglicher Basis für eine ausgewogenes Allgemeinbefinden eingenommen werden können: Vitamin D, Magnesium und Calcium.

As Vaidya Mishra has been sharing more knowledge of ayurvedic herbs and plants, we have been receiving questions about what and how to choose for daily healthy supplementation. Which herbs or minerals are essential as well as safe to be consumed on a regular even daily basis to maintain overall total health and balance?

Based on the wisdom of his SVA family lineage as well as the latest scientific findings, Vaidya Mishra has chosen 3 primary ingredients that can be taken on a regular daily basis for optimal overall balance. These are: Vit D, Magnesium, and Calcium. Why are these necessary and how do they help support us? There are 2 perspectives to consider, the SVA Pranic Sutra perspective and the modern scientific findings.

SVA Pranic understanding of Vit D, Magnesium and Calcium

As Vaidya Mishra has been sharing more knowledge of ayurvedic herbs and plants, we have been receiving questions about what and how to choose for daily healthy supplementation. Which herbs or minera ls are essential as well as safe to be consumed on a regular even daily basis to maintain overall total health and balance?

Pranic Significance

Prana is what we thrive on. Edible and non - edible things in Nature all contain one or more of Prana’s constitutive ingredients: Soma, Agni, and Marut . This also applies to minerals and vitamins. Accoridng to the SVA precepts and analysis, Calcium is the Soma predominant mineral; Vit D is the A gni pr e domin ant nutrient, and Magnesium is M arut predominant. In this sense, you understand why from the pranic perspective we need Magnesium to transform and transport Vit D and C alcium in our bo dies. The “intelligence” of how much needs to be transformed and transported is also due to the Marut factor represented by Magnesium. Scientific findings do indicate that most of the concentration of M agnesium is found in the sp inal chord , and we have learnt from SVA that the spinal chord houses the vibrational S ushumna nadi which is the M arut predominant vibratinoal channel. This spinal chord supplies the © Adishakti LLC 2013. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is for educational purposes only. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and it is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consults with your medical physician if you have any serious health issues. transformational and mobility intelligence in the nadi - s , sandhi - s or gaps , marma - s, and thro ugh these vibrational channels all the way to the organs and systems.
So adding Vit D, Magnesium, and Calcium (SVA Soma Cal) to your daily supplementation is ideal from the SVA Pranic perspective. And Vaidya Mishra has made it easy enou gh to get these supplements through different means: oral supplements, Nectar drops, or transdermal roll - ons that are safe and effective. Now let’s see if this is also in accord with the latest scientific findings of what our modern physiology needs in thi s day and age.

Science’s verdict is definitely clear on Vit D, Magnesium, and Calcium being necessary suppplements and minerals without which the body can experience many imbalances and even diseases.

Vit D
Until recently, experts believed that the mai n role of vitamin D was to keep our bones healthy and prevent them from breaking up. But new research has shown many other reasons why this vitamin is so important for our health.
Vitamin D is a fat - soluble vitamin that plays a vital role in the human body . It has many functions, and a lack of vitamin D can lead to many health problems.
At the outset, Vitamin D is essential in bone growth. Its main role in the body is to increase the flow of calcium into the bloodstream. It does this by promoting absorption of calcium from food.
Without vitamin D, calcium would not be absorbed into the body. Therefore, vitamin D is equally important to the maintenance of bone health as is calcium.

Health Benefits of Vitamin D :

1. The prevention of chronic diseases such as many forms of cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension.
2. The protection and lubrication of your bones, teeth and hair.
3. The regulation of cellular growth and healthy cell activity.
4. Overall reduction of the inflammatory response, a condition kn own to cause many chronic diseases, from cancer to diabetes to obesity.
5. Protection against adult osteoporosis.
6. Reduction in the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
7. Significant reduction in the occurrence of prostate cancer in African - American men.

If you are a vegetarian or don’t eat fish (Salmon, Herring, Tuna, Catfish Sardines, Cod Liver oil, and/or eggs) , you can still g et the same benefits by using Vaidya Mishra’ s Transdermal Vit D Roll - on in deodorant or simple Vit D format. Or make sure to get plenty of sun on a daily basis!

Optimal Levels of Vitamin D

help to:
• Prevent bone fractures
• Prevent falls in older people and osteoporosis
• Reduce the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer
• Reduce the risk of diab etes, especially in young people and in those living in high altitude
• Protect against heart disease, including high blood pressure and heart failure
• Reduce your risk for multiple sclerosis
• Improve you mood
• Improve your lung function.

© Adishakti LLC 2013. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is for educational purposes only. It has not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and it is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consults with your medical physician if you have any serious health issues.

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