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Über die Liebe, das Essen und die Geheimnisse des Universums

25.02.2012 | Ist die Liebe der Schlüssel zu den Geheimnissen des Universums? Wie kann uns das Wissen über die Liebe erleuchten? Die Liebe verbindet unsere Innenwelt (Körper, Geist und Seele) mit der kosmischen Welt um uns herum, so Vaidya Mishra aus Kalifornien.English Article

Love, Food, and the Secrets of the Universe!

The famous 15th century mystical poet of India, Kabir, once said: "pothi parhi parhi jag muwa, pundit bhaya na koyi, dhayi akchar prem ka parhai so pundit hoye" : people study books and die unenlightened - without becoming pundits, but those who understand the two and a half syllables of love ("prem") become pundits (enlightened)!"
Is love is the key to the secrets of the universe? How can knowing love enlighten us? What does Ayurveda have to say about the connection between love and understanding the world we live in?
Vaidya Mishra explains that love is the link between our inner world (body, mind and soul) and the cosmic world that surrounds us. Love connects us from the most subtle to the most gross level to the reality of life, because love is the transformative force of creation. It is out of love that the universe was created and it is with love that it is maintained. But what does this mean?

Love is that transformative power which ignites the eternal "silence" of creation and creativity into the ever-present "dynamism" of the created world and its multiplying realities. Love sparks silence into dynamism. The silent source that is all-potential, all-present, never-ending, unfolds into the dynamic reality of time where everything changes, is always becoming and transforming.

Shiva and Shakti:
In India, this idea is expressed beautifully through the image of Shiva and Shakti, the eternal couple which represent the play between silence and dynamism, creativity and creation, eternity and mortality. The "divine play" of Shiva and Shakti brings forth universes, it creates everything we know and experience, as well as everything we cannot grasp through our senses alone. Shiva and Shakti, the eternal lovers, are the primal energies that race through our bodies on a very concrete level. Our bodies and our lives are an expression of their eternal play. We have to maintain just the right balance in order to let the unending bliss of love flow through us and brighten our days. But balance of what?

Three Cosmic Properties:
The play of Shiva and Shakti creates a universe that is made up of Guna-s or properties. Every created aspect or reality shares a unique combination of the three possible Gunas or properties that are: Satwa, Rajas, and Tamas. Each Guna has different qualities. Satwa is is life supportive and creative, it is more silent; Rajas upholds transformation and raw dynamism, it is more active even though it is also somewhat silent; Rajas can bring premature consumption of life when it is present in larger quantities; Tamas ushers in new beginnings as it clears a clean slate; it is thoroughly active with least or no silence in it; as such,Tamas counters life, it carries the value of negation and suppression. It is the least desirable guna and can be the root cause of many imbalances, diseases, etc. Rajas and Tamas are devoid of creative impulses, they may hinder and/or delay creativity and life when found in the absence of Satwa. Satwa is the primary quality or guna that Ayurveda identifies as desirable.

The Guna-s rule our minds through our bodies. They cast their light - satwic, rajasic, or tamasic - on our minds and hearts and alter our body's chemistry. In parallel, Ayurveda categorizes foods as Satwic, Rajasic, or Tamasic, based on their chemical make-up as well as other more subtle properties. The kind of diet we keep, therefore, has great impact on the state of our minds and our hearts. The impact of Shiva and Shakti is experienced very concretely in our lives through what we ingest. What we eat determines who we are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!

Satwa and Satwic:
In Ayurveda, Preeti (love), Paramatma (God), and Ahar (food), are connected to each other through the concept of Satwa or Satwic - as taught in the SVA tradition. The Shastras (vedic texts) explain that Satwic food is Preeti Vardhan : Satwic food increases (unconditional) love. But what is Satwic food? And why would it increase (unconditional) love?

Satwic food means Soma predominant food. It is freshly prepared food that is more nurturing and nourishing, yet has enough Agni, or metabolic fire, to facilitate the transformation of Soma to Ojas. What is Ojas? Ojas is the subtle bi-product of the tissues after perfect digestion/assimilation/cellular transformation of food. According to Ayurveda, Ojas, the ultimate refined bi-product of total digestion is the connecting factor, it is the "glue" that holds together body and soul. In scientific terms, Ojas corresponds to the neuro-transmitters that serve as messengers in our nerves, sending signals to and from the brain tissue to the rest of our body. While Science can observe their activity on the gross level through a microscope, Ayurveda tells us about how deep their activity goes on the subtler more "spiritual" levels. Ayurveda explains that Ojas or Appar Ojas is the communicating factor between the individual mind and the "light of the soul" also known as Satwa. Our karmic debt is housed in our Satwa. The purity of the Satwa, or the light that the soul generates, is an indication of our karmic debt. The bigger our dues through past life offenses, the dimmer the light. Vaidya speaks of black bugs fluttering in the light, making it impure and dim! The best pesticide for these unwanted pollutants is Satwic food!

Satwic Food:
Satwic food nourishes and purifies the light of the soul, or the Satwa. The Shastras say: Ahar Shudhi Satwa Shudhi: pure clean food purifies and cleans the Satwa or the light of the individual soul. When the light of the soul shines through unobstructed, it travels to the "Heart Lotus" and connects it with the mind, establishing a bridge between Satwa Buddhi and Mano Buddhi. Satwa Buddhi is the power of the heart, and Mano Buddhi is the power of the mind. Each is incomplete on its own, like a bird trying to fly with only one wing. But when Satwa Buddhi and Mano Buddhi are in communication, through the help of Ojas, the heart is wide open and unconditional love flows out unconditionally. The individual feels balanced, happy, and glows!

The Secret:
This is the secrete knowledge of the SVA lineage that explains how the ayurvedic concept of Satwic food can increase unconditional love. This is how food is in direct relation to the finest, purest bi-product of perfect digestion, Appar Ojas, which acts as the catalyst as well as the communicating factor between our individual selves and the cosmic universal reality that surrounds us. The heart is connected to the ultimate reality of the universe, the silent ocean of love out of which all creation arises, through this refined bi-product, Appar Ojas. When the heart is connected to the ocean of love, it receives waves of endless love and spreads waves of endless love. This is how Satwic food is Preeti Vardhan, this is how Satwic food increases unconditional love. We are creatures made out of love that thrive on love. When we maintain a satwic diet and lifestyle, then we have arrived home and the secrets of this universe have been revealed to us in our own hearts! This "coming home" is a real experience, because the body exhibits a specific bio-chemical reality: it is filled with Ojas. The Shastras say that good quantity and quality of Ojas give the body glow and bliss!

This is why Ayurveda always emphasizes the abundance of Ojas. Soma is the raw material for Ojas in Satwic food. A Satwic meal is a perfectly balanced meal, not in terms of carb and nutrient intake which remains on the surface level, but in terms of the proportions of pure (unprocessed) Soma, Agni, Marut - the raw material out of which the universe is made.

Vaidya's Wish:
On the occasion of this Valentine's, Vaidya Mishra's message to you is to try to consume as much Satwic foods as possible, because Satwic food is the foundation for receiving more Prana, and therefore, unconditional love. It enhances the quality of all your personal and public relationships. On a personal level, partners can enjoy enhanced physical, sensual, emotional, and mental love without losing connection with the divine within, before, during, and after intimacy. Satwic food is Pranic food. Prana is also enhanced by an open heart (see Vaidya's recording on Love and Prana for 2010 and 2011 available at Love enhances Prana. Those who have more delivery and reception of Prana tend to produce more Ojas. More Ojas, means better connection between heart, mind, and soul, and therefore unconditional love. No hidden or exposed conditions or restrictions between lovers can withstand the power of unconditional love!

Chandi LLC/ Vaidya R.K. Mishra

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Chandi LLC/ Vaidya R.K. Mishra
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