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NEU: Wertvoll gestalteter Ayurveda Kalender 2012, in englisch

NEU: Wertvoll gestalteter Ayurveda Kalender 2012, in englisch

16.12.2011 | Ein wunderbares Geschenk an sich selbst, die eigene Praxis und für alle  Ayurveda Interessierten. Mit vielen Ernährungs- und Kräuter-empfehlungen für jede Jahreszeit, mit der Historie des Ayurveda und vielem Wissenswerten über Ayurveda.   Artikel in English


The first ever created 2012 Ayurvedic calendar

order yours today at makes the perfect holiday gift for your family member, or spouse who loves Ayurveda. The Ayurvedic calendar has dietary and herbal recommendations each season to balance the respective dosha, as well as one page dedicated to the history of Ayurveda, seven bodily tissues, Samkhaya philosophy, Ayurvedic aphrodisiacs (Vajikarana), and the six tastes.


Aphrodisiacs in Ayurveda are not just sexual stimulants they are herbal preparations and foods which are deeply nourishing, build Ojas, and balance Vata dosha.


According to Ayurveda the six tastes send information and energetics directly to the brain and which instantly effect the entire body. Each type of food or herb has different combinations the six tastes, which may reduce or increase each dosha.


Samkhaya is one of the "Shad Darshan" the six foundational philosophies influencing Ayurveda. philosophy regards the universe as consisting of two realities: Purusha (consciousness) Prakriti (phenomenal realm of matter). Shiva and Shakti, Radha and Krsna, Spirit and nature.


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