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Über die Marmapunkte im Ayurveda

Über die Marmapunkte im Ayurveda

20.12.2011 | ADVERTORIAL | Marmapunkte ermöglichen uns nicht nur den sofortigen Zugang zu der uns am Leben erhaltenden Lebenskraft "Prana", sondern sie sind - wie es in den Vedischen Shastras geschrieben steht - die direkte Verbindung zu unserer Seele, unserem "Jeevatma".

This means  that  we can take care of not only our physical, emotional, and mental health through our body's marma points, but we can even connect with the subtle light of our own souls... What can this mean?
As taught exclusively in Vaidya Mishra's SVA lineage, Prana is made up of the three cosmic elements by now familiar to us: Soma, Agni, and Marut (Read former article). Each marma point is connected to different organs and sections in our body on one hand, and on the other hand they all run a direct connection to the individual soul - jeevatma. Because they are in direct connection to the soul, they operate Satwa, Rajas, and Tamas, the three distinct qualities or properties of the mind.

Marma points thus have two very important qualities. They are directly connected to the silent part of consciousness, the witnessing Jeevatma, but at the same time they help to operate the dynamic activity of the organs and organ systems in the body. They are the juncture points where nadis (vibrational channels) meet, and that serve as a gateway for Soma, Agni, and Marut.
The Marma Chikitsa (classical textbook of Marma) explains that it is important to avoid incision or punctures on marma points during operation, as these may result in incurable imbalances. This is why Ayurveda does not fully endorse using needles as in acupuncture, especially on marma points. Direct injury of a marma point can results in either different treatable symptoms or irreversible permanent harm. The ancient marma textbook details all known and possible harm and gives remedies.

Since marma points are so delicate and yet such important powerful points in our physiology, it is very important to take the best care of them, not just in protecting them from physical and vibrational harm, but also by maintaining the proper circulation of prana throught good diet and gentle marma massage.

Vaidya's ancestors always paid the most attention to the marma points and, over time, developed many wonderful approaches to healing through these marma points. Vaidya acknowledges he has been fortunate enough to receive the gift of this knowledge and, in addition to his personal experiences as a healer over the last almost 40 years,  to have put together an easy and practical system that gives immediate results. It is the Transdermal Marma System™. The Transdermal Marma System™ or TMS™ combines the ancient wisdom of marmas (their location, function, relation to different organs etc), it includes the knowledge of which herb will be optimal for which marma point, and in addition, it also gives the specific sound vibration therapy (or mantra) for each specific marma point. In addition, there is a specific ways of  touching each specific marma point. Not all marma points can be re-awakened or balanced with the same quality of touch or amount of pressure.

The TMS™ supplies appropriate herbs through the skin (transdermally), appropriate touch, appropriate vibrational healing that addresses the deeper levels of imbalances, and appropriate aromatherapy (the aroma molecules serve as carriers for delivering the herbs to their targeted destinations). When Vaidya first developed the TMS™, Dr Douglas Beech and he were working together trying to help several clients with severe fybriomialgia. After incorporating TMS™ into their healing protocol, they got 98% results. Then other doctors, including Dr Marianne Teitelbaum started to use TMS™ for other chronic conditions with great success, including, different chronic pain situations, autism, allergies, and much more.

So how does it all work? As taught in the SVA lineage, the srotas (physical channels) are structured by sandhi-s (gaps). At the meeting point of these Srota-s and Sandhi-s, Marma-s are found. Marma-s, in turn,  are connected to consciousness.
When the essential oils and herbs found in a jar of Transdermal Marma System cream are applied onto a marma point, the specific vibrational energy of the creams penetrates and unclogs the channels, awakening the intelligence of the gaps (sandhi). When Sandhi-s and Nadi-s are active and awakened, then they affect the physical channels (Srota-s) and the Prana starts to flow into the different physical organs and organ systems and eventually through the whole body. The physical channels also need Prana. Marma organizes all this activity of the flow of Prana in our bodies on all the levels.

Now we know a little more about how wonderful and powerful these divine marma points are. They are connected to our souls, the root of our silence, and the seed of our dynamism. The three primary Nadi-s: Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna, are the most important Nadi-s which support all other Nadi-s in our body. All marma points are connected to Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna, because Ida is Soma predominant, Pingala is Agni predominant, and Sushumna is Marut predominant.

Keeping these three primary Nadi-s free from toxic build-up and vibrational pollution, Vaidya has created many different methods of delivering cleansing and protective herbal formulations. For example: the Ida/Pingala oil for the nostrils can be used morning and evening. On the spine, DGL Transdermal cream can be applied every night, as well as SupertSport Transdermal cream. The Samadhi Set™ is good to use always, as it addresses the heart, mind and senses through the marma points, and hundreds of people have reported how much they love using it twice daily. In addition, for those of you who need to use something more to help them throughout the day Vaidya has now made SuperSport and Flex'nFlo available in a new format. Click here to hear Vaidya talk all about it. ..

Chandi LLC/ Vaidya R.K. Mishra


Chandi LLC/ Vaidya R.K. Mishra
9620 Topanga Canyon Place
91311 Chatsworth, California
Educator for Chandi LLC Vaidya Mishra
Telefon: 001 - 818 - 709 - 1005


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