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Prana – was ist das?

Prana – was ist das?

29.08.2011 | Prana – die vibrierende Energie des Kosmos! Vaidya Mishra erklärt uns in diesem Artikel genauer, was „prana“ eigentlich ist und woraus es besteht.Article in English

What is Prana?

Oceans, lakes, rivers are bodies of Soma; the sun is our primary source of Agni; and Marut is what keeps things active and in motion.

In the SVA tradition (Shaka Vanshiya Ayurveda = My Ayurvedic practice is based on the Shaka Vansya tradition)Prana is the "vibrational energy of the cosmos." In mainstream ayurveda, Prana is a vata subdosha. This is only partially correct! Vaidya Mishra explains that Prana flows through all natural things - laughter, good food, clean air,  fresh water. This energy courses through and around us, providing our body with nurturing life-supportive vibrations. The lack of prana results in conditions and objects that are removed from a natural lively and life-supportive state.

In the understanding unique to SVA™, Vaidya explains that prana is itself made up of 3 components. Soma, agni, and marut. Each carries its own unique function and specific purpose in the cosmos. Everything in material existence is made up of these three but in infinite variations or degrees. Understanding these components of prana will help us identify the channels that carry the energy so we may better nourish our selves and remain balanced.

The first element of prana is soma. This energy is cooling, nurturing, and supports growth. - it is the raw material we use to build and grow and prosper. It helps strengthen our heart and core, making use centered, balanced beings. Where can Soma be found? All around us but more specifically, it flows through the rays of moonlight. Or water, a staple of life, is dominantly soma prana. As are the sweet, juicy foods we consume.

Next comes agni. Agni is the principle of creation that generates heat or energy necessary for warming and therefore for metabolizing, breaking-down and transforming. In other terms for "cooking." Within our universe, the sun is our main source of agni or transformative energy, that makes life on earth possible. Agni transforms soma into several kinds of physical material. This active creative energy is dominant in pungent foods like chilies for example.

Last but not least there is marut, the energy of action or mobility. Marut circulates energy within our bodies on the gross physical as well as the more subtle vibrational levels. This helps to maintain our natural intelligence in terms of how much soma is to be transformed and into what material for the body and environment. All things light and flaky have predominant marut in them. A good example would be popcorn!

So we simply  cannot be alive without prana! The more prana we have the happier and healthier we are! Good food, a routine balanced between work and activity, loving family and friends, all are elements that help us harness prana in our lives.  But sometimes things just don't come together as they are meant to! But Mother Nature always makes sure we are taken care of, so she has created ways to compensate for less then perfect situations.  Ayurveda is the science of perfect living. Through Ayurveda we learn to correct our imbalances and get the most out of our lives. Ayurveda also teaches us about herbs and spices that help correct imbalances and replenish prana. Prana travels in our body through specific pathways or channels. There are two major categories…

.. in the next article read about the channels of the body - vibrational and physical.

Chandi LLC/ Vaidya R.K. Mishra


Chandi LLC/ Vaidya R.K. Mishra
9620 Topanga Canyon Place
91311 Chatsworth, California
Educator for Chandi LLC Vaidya Mishra
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Titelbild: Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

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