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Ayurveda during Pregnancy

Ayurveda during Pregnancy

03.06.2011 | Pregnancy is a very crucial period in woman’s life. She goes through many physical and mental changes during pregnancy and needs to adjust with all those changes. Ayurveda is extremely useful not only during pregnancy but even before the woman actually conceives. Ayurveda offers extensive pregnancy care and makes sure that the foetus grows well and delivery becomes swift. By Dr. Abhijit Mhalank, MD (Ayu), DYA


Even before a woman becomes pregnant, she and her partner should assess their own life styles and health status. Ayurveda gives tremendous importance to it, because only a healthy seed and healthy land can give birth to a healthy sapling. If the woman or her partner suffers from any health problem (like hyperacidity, haemorrhoids, anaemia, worms, liver problems, respiratory problems etc), then they should take proper treatments for the same and try to become fully healthy. Ayurveda recommends such couples a Panchakarma cure before conception for complete purification of body so that the foetus becomes healthy. The woman’s menstruation and man’s semen should be completely healthy and free from any pathological symptom. Only when the couple is fully healthy and mentally relaxed, it should have intercourse in pleasant atmosphere on suitable days so that the woman can conceive.     


It is generally not possible to have a massage every day. But the woman should have it a couple of times a week with suitable Ayurvedic oil. Her partner may give her massage during pregnancy. Massage with Ayurvedic oil nourishes the tissues of woman as well as of the foetus growing in uterus and also brings flexibility in her muscles, so that the delivery becomes easy. A mild fomentation treatment or sitting in bath tub after massage is also quite helpful. 

Ayurvedic Medicines & Tonics:

Ayurveda prescribes certain medicines to pregnant woman so that she receives all necessary nutrients and minerals (like iron), their delivery becomes easy, the baby grows well and sufficient milk is produced in woman’s breasts. These medicines are like tonics and the woman has to take them regularly right from the first month until the delivery. For every month the medicines are different. If the woman has history of previous abortions or miscarriages, then one can give her additional drugs against them, so that she can sustain the pregnancy. If the woman suffers from any other problems during pregnancy (such as hypertension, piles etc), then one can also take care of them.

Yoga, Pranayam, Meditation:

Though most of Yoga exercises are contraindicated during pregnancy, few positions like lotus position are useful from delivery’s point of view. They bring flexibility in pelvic region and ascertain a swift delivery for the woman. Together with Pranayam and meditation, they bring Vata energy under control. As a result, the woman feels energetic, always sleeps well and has good digestion & motion. Ayurvedic music is also good during pregnancy.

Oil enema:

A week before the possible date of delivery, the woman should start taking oil enema. Every night after dinner or during the day after lunch, she should take a warm oil enema. Her partner can give her this enema. Then she gets absolutely no problem during delivery. If the woman suffers from constipation or piles during pregnancy, she may take enemata against those problems as well. 

The Diet:

Needless to say, the woman must take appropriate food as per her constitution during her pregnancy. Milk, butter, Ghee, beet, carrots, spinach, almonds and walnut are particularly good during pregnancy. Flesh is less preferred while alcohol and tobacco are harmful.

Dr. Abhijit Mhalank, MD (Ayu), DYA
42/677 Lokmanya Nagar, Pune 411030
Email –        

About the Author:


Dr. Abhijit Mhalank is an experienced Ayurvedic physician and has specialized in Ayurvedic pathology. His several articles and books have already got published in various languages. He has also developed a CD ‘Encyclopaedia Ayurvedica’ which is a pharmacopoeia of Ayurvedic medicines in software form and contains data of thousands of Ayurvedic preparations. Apart from English, Dr Mhalank also knows German, Sanskrit and two other Indian languages and has given numerous lectures and consultations in Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. He is regular participant in radio and television programmes.


Title Image: Photo by Neal E. Johnson on Unsplash

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