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Horoscope in Vedic Astrology

Horoscope in Vedic Astrology

04.03.2011 | Astrology has been regarded as one of the Vedic sciences like Ayurved and Yoga. However even in India there are diverse views about astrology. There are people who believe in it while there are also those who think that astrology is not a science. By Dr. Mhalank (B.A.M.S.)

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Before one makes any opinion about this, one should also try to understand the era in which Vedic astrology developed.

It was the time when human life was much more primitive and uncertain than it is today. There were no observatories so that people could have known in advance about fore coming weather, climatic changes, floods, droughts & earthquakes or could have  prejudged, how the crops would be in the next year. The civilizations had not developed and so there were frequent wars and bloodshed. Scientific and technological developments were scanty and transportation media were not existing. Making a journey was a risky endevour and only few dared to undertake it. Naturally people were curious to know in advance, when a natural disaster might strike, how the crops would be in the next year, whether there would be peace or violence in regime and when it would be safe to make a journey. So there was more need to know about the future in that era than it is today. And as a result of this necessity, some intelligent people tried to make guess about future from the positions of some planets in sky. Based on planetary positions they developed some sort of logic and with the help of those observations they started making predictions about future events. Of course their observations, logic and knowledge had limitations, as a result of which the technique of making predictions probably never attained the precision that other streams like architecture, mathematics or defense sciences etc attained.

Today when one can know about the climate even from home, travel to any part of the world anytime and rely on insurance company for every thing, it is not impossible to live without astrology. But in those eras when none of these facilities existed, astrology was the only way to envisage and get at least some idea about the future events.            

In Vedic astrology, one needs a horoscope to look into the future and make any prediction. Horoscope of a person can be made if one knows the birth date, exact birth timing and birth place of the person. The Vedic horoscope has 12 different houses and looks like this ~   

Photo by Kyler Boone on Unsplash, bearbeitet von JK

Each house in the horoscope has its own meaning and importance. In brief one can understand it in following way:

House 1: It is also called ascendant. From this house, one can know about general personality, height, mindset, nature and general health of the individual. Positive influence of planets in this house offers the individual good personality, good height, positive mindset and good health in life. Since this house also indicates the head of the individual, one can also know about head injuries, diseases related to head, mind, mental state and concentration ability of the person.

House 2: From this house one can know about bank balance, financial reserves, inherited wealth, inherited house, primary education, oratorical skills and favourite tastes (sweet, pungent etc) of the individual. Positive planetary influence in this house offers the person good bank balance, inherited wealth, inherited house, primary education, oratorical skills etc.     

House 3: From this house one can know about siblings, colleagues, possible long journeys and writing skills of the person. Positive planetary influence in this house offers the person good siblings, colleagues, long journeys and writing skills to the person.

House 4: From this house one can know about the residence, vehicles, cars, mother, mentality and father-in-law of the person. Positive planetary influence in this house offers the person good residence, vehicles, cars, mother and mentality to the person.

House 5: From this house one can know about the higher education, sexual relationships, digestion, stomach problems and children of the person. In case of women, one can also know about conceptions and abortions.

House 6: From this house one can know about enemies, loans, court cases, legal penalties, diseases, maternal relatives and urinary bladder problems of the individuals.

House 7: From this house one can know about marriage, spouse and business partner of the person. In case of woman, one can know the health of her uterus from this house.

House 8: From this house one can know about health of genital organs, ability to do research, accidents, death and possible spiritual emancipation of the individual. In case of woman, one can know about her menstruation from her house.  

House 9: From this house one can know about support of luck, long journeys of the person and the philosophy with which the person lives his life.

House 10: From this house one can know about profession, own father and own mother-in-law of the person.

House 11: From this house one can know about the social life, friends, income, awards and other gains in life.

House 12: From this house one can know about the expenditures, sexual relationships, long journeys and spiritual emancipation of the person.

Thus, these 12 houses cover most of the important events and aspects of human life and from them one can try to make predictions about possible events of future.

Dr. Abhijit Mhalank, MD (Ayu), DYA
42/677 Lokmanya Nagar, Pune 411030
Email –        

About the Author:


Dr. Abhijit Mhalank is an experienced Ayurvedic physician and has specialized in Ayurvedic pathology. His several articles and books have already got published in various languages. He has also developed a CD ‘Encyclopaedia Ayurvedica’ which is a pharmacopoeia of Ayurvedic medicines in software form and contains data of thousands of Ayurvedic preparations. Apart from English, Dr Mhalank also knows German, Sanskrit and two other Indian languages and has given numerous lectures and consultations in Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. He is regular participant in radio and television programmes.


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