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Winter: die beste Jahreszeit für strahlende Gesundheit

Winter: die beste Jahreszeit für strahlende Gesundheit

23.12.2010 | Vaidya Mishra aus den USA bietet in diesem englischsprachigen Artikel jedem Ayurveda-Interessierten die Möglichkeit, sich kostenfrei ein informatives Gesundheits-Booklet in Englisch speziell für die Wintertage herunterzuladen - mit vielen praktischen Hinweisen, wertvollenTipps und leckeren Rezepten.   English Article

Winter: Your Best Season for Radiant Health
A free e-publication from Vaidya Mishra

The news is out! Vaidya confirms that winter can be your best season for radiant health with a blissful balanced routine. A detailed article abounding with tips, recipes, and so much more is just a click away from you! You can preview and download the entire booklet by clicking here (Please be patient, the download takes a few minutes). For your convenience we have included Vaidya's preface below. Happy Holidays!

"We have learnt that Ayurveda is the maintenance manual of our bodies. According to the vedic tradition, its author is none-other than Brahma himself, the ultimate source of all knowledge. "Svasth vrit" is a major aspect of ayurvedic science that we can translate as "life-style medicine." This branch includes the following sections: "dinacharya" - daytime routine, "ratricharya" - nighttime routine, "ritucharya" - seasonal guidelines. The main purpose of this 'Svasth vrit' is "how to live healthy and happy for a 100 years!" According to the ancient texts, this is the life-span allotted to human beings in this day and age (kaliyug).
The Sanskrit verse I selected from Yajurveda featured on the cover page indicates that through the proper care of the body (that is: following the daytime, nighttime and seasonal routines and guidelines) one can indeed enjoy a long and healthy life.  Unlike what we commonly believe, the winter season is, indeed, the best time to enjoy radiant health! Taking care of health during the wintertime also ensures overall total health for the rest of the year. So the verse says: "live a 100 winters, see a 100 winters, hear a 100 winters, speak a 100 winters, be seen by others for a 100 winters, and create a good life history (with good actions and lifestyle) which can serve as an inspiration for others."
While increasingly younger people are falling victim to chronic and terminal diseases, technology and modern findings have also drastically increased the life expectancy of individuals. However, the point is to live up to a healthy 100, not to lead a long and impaired life! The Yajurveda says that one should strive to live a healthy 100 having full use of one's organs and all senses (live, see, hear, speak..).
It is my sincere hope that this small booklet will guide you and help you to enjoy this winter season in accord with the spirit of Yajurveda and the practical teachings of Ayurveda...."

Vaidya Ramakant Mishra
Karthik Purnima - November 21, full moon day, 2010
Los Angeles, CA



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