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X – Factor in Life

X – Factor in Life

29.11.2010 | Probably in no other area the east and west have such a diverse approach as they have about sex. Of course sex is the basis of life. All living beings feel the sexual attraction and perform sexual intercourse. Since man is highly developed and intellectual creature, he has always tried to understand this subject very deeply. Written by Dr. Abhijit Mhalank.

The Sanskrit texts of sexology in India are thousands of years old and discuss various aspects of sex. In western countries also, diversified view and philosophies about sex have existed since historic times. In general however, one may say that eastern countries are more conservative and allow sex only after marriage while the western allow free sex. Many western youngsters start with sexual relationships during the school life itself. In order to have sex with somebody it is not mandatory there to marry that person. Yet both eastern and western societies have their own problems about sex.    

Sex forms basis of life

Ayurveda says that sex consumes energy. Therefore it is important to make sure that one doesn’t lose too much energy through sex. Ayurveda recognizes the fact that man has limited sexual capacity while a woman has much more sexual capacity. After sexual intercourse a man needs to take break before he can once again get erection and perform the intercourse. A woman however can perform intercourse with several partners one after the other without any break. That’s why Ayurvedic texts define the ideal frequency of intercourse for man. These Ayurvedic principles should be however understood properly.  

Sex consumes energy

In general Kapha-constitution persons have more sexual strength while the Vata-constitution people have the minimum sexual strength. Pitta-constitution people fall in between. Young persons have relatively more sexual strength than the old persons. In pleasantly cold weather sexual strength is more than in the hot seasons, as the heat usually slows down the sperm formation. Mental stress often reduces the sexual strength and desire while pleasant moods, positive thoughts and loving atmosphere usually escalate it. Sweet, unctuous, nutritious food improve sexual power while salty, pungent, bitter and astringent substances reduce it. Ayurvedic aphrodisiac compounds also increase sexual power. That’s why Ayurvedic texts recommend that sexually active persons should regularly take aphrodisiac drugs. How often one should perform intercourse depends upon, one’s age, constitution, food habits, metal state, prevailing season and so on. Modern medicine doesn’t take all these things into consideration. Many persons in the world (even many Indians) do not know this and therefore have too little or too much sex in life. Some are even sex-addicted.        

How often one should have sex?

Semen and sperm are together called ‘Shukradhatu’ in Ayurveda. Apart from sexual power, they are also responsible for many other things in male body, e.g.

General strength and wellbeing
Radiation of body
Regeneration of body cells
Digestion & stools
Moods of mind

Too much sex leads to excessive loss of semen and eventually affect the above mentioned factors. In a body of an officer who works hard, it may affect his general strength, wellbeing, stamina, digestion, stools and confidence. In a body of an university student, it may affect his immunity, moods, concentration, memory and intelligence. In both the cases it is equally harmful.

Too much sex is harmfull

Since these facts remain unknown to many men, they indulge excessively in sexual activities without bothering about their constitution, age, food, prevailing season etc. As a result their sexual life gets seriously affected and they start suffering from numerous ailments. However they never even imagine that excessive sex is the real cause of their ailments. Everywhere one can find such patients. It is never easy to explain and convince such patients with all these facts. Especially when such patients are young or addicted to sex or are newly married or have a new girlfriend, then their libido is very high and so they just don’t want to hear such things and follow Ayurvedic rules and principles. Few months after marriage many persons come with various health complaints. After marriage they have so much sex that soon they land into trouble. Ayurveda cautions people about sex and recommends no sex to those who are suffering from emaciation, weight loss, weak immunity etc.     

When testes are really full of sperms, sometimes semen unknowingly springs out of penis during night sleep. This is a normal physiological event and generally has no bad effect on health. However frequent masturbation can result in excessive loss of semen and affect the above mentioned factors. A stundent studying in school or university naturally needs good mood, concentration, memory, intelligence and confidence. Excessive loss of semen due to masturbation or intercourse can affect all these things. Reading pornographic material, watching pornographic movies or websites can also have similar negative effects. In many entertainment films, television programmes and advertisements, ladies are shown with very little clothes or sometimes even without any clothes. Such scenes stimulate the men because of which they might indulge in excessive masturbation or sexual intercourse and suffer from loss of ‘Shukradhatu’.     

Pure Stimulation!

When a man drinks alcohol, for some period he feels highly stimulated and may perform better in bedroom. But in course of time alcohol destroys sperms and nerves. So soon such men start suffering from sperm deficiency and impotence. Alcohol is therefore not a right solution sexual problems. According to Ayurveda, following eatables improve sexual functioning:     

Milk & milk products
Sweet fruits like banana
Ice creams

Dr. Abhijit Mhalank, MD (Ayu), DYA
42/677 Lokmanya Nagar, Pune 411030
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About the Author:

Dr. Abhijit Mhalank is an experienced Ayurvedic physician and has specialized in Ayurvedic pathology. His several articles and books have already got published in various languages. He has also developed a CD ‘Encyclopaedia Ayurcedica’ which is a pharmacopoeia of Ayurvedic medicines in software form and contains data of thousands of Ayurvedic preparations. Apart from English, Dr Mhalank also knows German, Sanskrit and two other Indian languages and has given numerous lectures and consultations in Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. He is regular participant in radio and television programmes.


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