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Addiction and Ayurved

03.05.2010 | Lesen Sie den Artikel hier in Deutsch

Ayurved – an eternal science of healthy living treasures deals with physical, psychological and spiritual well being of the human being. Human life is considered as the invaluable opportunity, so we have to get the best out of it.
If we take a look at today’s modern world, we would find it as a horrible world of stress. We find stress everywhere – within the family, business or any other social or economic activity. Few people are fortunate to overcome this stress with a strong positive attitude but most of the people try to figure out the problem with wrong solutions like Addictions.
Addiction may be for alcohol, smoking, drugs, overeating, gambling, etc.

Addiction :
In Wikipedia, Addiction is defined as - An addiction is a persistent behavioral pattern marked by physical and/or psychological dependency that causes significant disruption and negatively impacts the quality of life of an organism. Addictions are frequently linked to substance abuse, particularly psychoactive drugs such as narcotics , stimulants, and sedatives among others. It is common in coloquial English usage to extend the use of the term "addiction" to also encompass apparent compulsive behavior and passionate dedication to activities (such as hobbies) by analogy.

In short, it is a state of physical and psychological dependence on a drug/alcohol substance.

Addiction can occur when drug/alcohol use becomes frequent and eventually it becomes a habit. Addictions may be due to urge to overcome the boredom, depression, fatigue, to have some pleasure or often under the influence of friends. As we know these unwholesome substances/bad habits are the remote causes for several other diseases.
So let us see how Ayurved deals with the Addiction.

Commonly Tobacco & Alcohol are consumed as addiction. Qualities of Tobacco & Alcohol are similar to the qualities of poison, as described in Ayurvedic texts.

Alcoholism :

Alcohol is very hot in nature, produced dryness in the body, destroyies body tissues. It has adverse effect on mind & our sense organs. Addiction of Alcohol consumption is called ad Alcoholism.
Ayurved considers alcoholism under the heading of “Madatyaya”.
Madatyaya is a disease which occures due to excessive consumption of alcohol.
Ayurved has stated the following hazardous effects of alcoholism –

  • Hyperacidity
  • Fever
  • Dizziness
  • Heart Diseases
  • Declining Immunity
  • Weak Memory Power
  • Epileptic Attacks

Ayurved has suggested some solutions to relive the problem.

Ayurved has also suggested some Panchakarma procedures for alcoholism.

  • Vamana (Emesis).
  • Virechana (Purgation).
  • Basti (Medicated Enema).
  • Snehana (Internal & External Oleation) & Swedana (Sudation) should be done before these procedures.
  • These procedures should be carried out under the guidance of Ayurvedic Physician.

Allied procedures like Shirobasti, Shirodhara & Shiropichu are also beneficial for relaxation of body & mind.

Special Diet :

  • Recipes made from Wheat, Black Grame, Cow’s Milk, Black dates, Black Resines.
  • Juices : Grapes, Pomogranate, Amla, Lemmon.
  • Ginger Tea.
  • Special Recipe : Unripe mango pieces +  Amla pieces + Cinamom powder + Cumin powder + Black paper powder + Rock salt + Jaggery + Honey.
  • Syrup prepared from Dates, Black reins, Pomegranate, Indian gooseberry, Tamarind is found to be effective in management of addiction of alcohol.

Solutions are many more but the person should have honest desire to get rid of the addiction.

Smoking :

Ayurvedic Samhitas has described the detrimental effects of addiction of smoking like –

  • Heart Diseases
  • Lung Diseases
  • Infertility
  • Hyperacidity
  • Anorexia

Ayurved offers some healthy replacement for tobacco/smoking-

Ayurved introduces Herbal sticks called as Dhoomavarti which can be used instead of cigarettes. These sticks are not only healthy but have following beneficial effects on the body –

  • Relives pain and heaviness in the head.
  • Keeps teeth healthy.
  • Improves voice quality.
  • Relives excessive sleep.
  • Improves taste in the mouth.

Another useful remedis are –
Sitopaladi Choorna; Pieces of Amla, Ginger, Turmeric should be kept in the mouth to suck.

Ayurvedic system of cure from Addictions is based on treating the cause instead of symptoms. The alcohol consumption / smoking is only a symptom. Underlying reasons can be stress or mental tensions. Satvavajaya Chikitsa (Counseling) is an important treatment of stress related diseases, described in Ayurvedic texts. Process of counseling comprises counseling of addicted patient, counseling of his / her relatives & friends. Physician should spend enough time with such patients to listen his / her mental status, way of thinking & guiding him / her properly to get rid of hheir problem. This is not a job of only Psychiatris, but family physician is the best person who can deal with tis problem in early stage.
Guiding about Spiritual way of life is also an ideal solution for quiting addictions. Blessings & guidance of Spiritual guide plays an important role in treatment of addiction.
Hence with the intense desire to free from Addiction and appropriate approach towards the problem, one can definitely fight against Addiction.

Prof. Dr. S. P. Sardeshmukh, A.V.P., Ph.D.
Dr. Vineeta Deshmukh, M.D., Ph.D., PGDCR
Dr. Bhagyashree Puranik, B.A.M.S., M.D. (Scholar)

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