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Einladung zum internationalen Ayurveda-Treffen

Einladung zum internationalen Ayurveda-Treffen

17.09.2009 | Am 12. Ooktober 2009 findet im Kongresshaus Baden-Baden ein internationales Treffen unter dem Vorsitz von Madam Jalaja, Secretary AYUSH, statt. Alle, die den Ayurveda auf dem Weg zur rechtlichen Anerkennung als gültiges Medizinsystem im Europäischen Gesundheitssystem unterstützen möchten, sind herzlich eingeladen. Direkt im Anschluß an den 1. Europäischen Welt Ayurveda Congress, Baden-Baden können Interessierte Einfluß auf die Zukunft des Ayurveda nehmen. Kurzpräsentationen und Anmeldung erbeten.

International Meeting Chaired by
Madam Jalaja – AYUSH* Secretary

October 12th 10:00 – 13:00 – Kongresshaus Baden-Baden

1) The Future of Ayurveda in  Europe – Integration into NHS (National Health System)
2) Extension of THMPD – A cohesive, coordinated action plan

Dear Friend of Ayurveda

You are invited to participate in an interactive International Meeting chaired by Madam Jalaja, Secretary AYUSH in Baden-Baden on Monday 12th October in the Kongresshaus. The meeting will take place between 10:00 a.m. to 13:00 p.m. and is open to all those interested in supporting Ayurveda being legally used in our European Health System as an equally valid Medicine System.

All Are Welcome.

The purposes of the meeting are:    

1. To start developing a cohesive strategy for influencing the debate on integration of Ayurveda within the national health services as part of CAM within each member country.
2. To discuss the steps required to enlarge the scope of THMPD and how to make it happen as European Ayurvedic Community together with our partners in CAM

In each of the discussion areas there will be specialist speakers with authoritative knowledge of their areas and there will be an opportunity for individuals representing themselves or their members to make a contribution to an action plan.

Speakers on the subjects will be Frau Nora Laubstein, president of ANME (Association of Naturopathic Medicine Europe), Dr. Matthias Schmidt, director of Medicine, EUAA (European Ayurveda Association). We will also have presentations from  Vaidhya Balaji Tambe, Dr. Vasant Lad, Dr. Sunita Belgamwar MAC, Dr. Geetha Krishnan WAC and  would  welcome contributions from others focussing on these particular issues.

If you would like to join this meeting please send your confirmation by return and if you would like to make a short presentation please also let us know.

With warm greetings
Dr. Harsha Gramminger – President EUAA

Replies to:, Tel 0049 2652 527756, Fax 0049 2652 527763


*AYUSH: The Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy. It is part of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India

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